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Module 3 focuses on ensuring patient safety in breast cancer care and therapies. Aim of this module is to deepen participants knowledge of safety issues of breast cancer patient’s treatment pathway. This concerns both patients and staff members. The aim of the module is also to ensure competencies of healthcare professional safety. The module consists of the following sections: treatment safety, quality indicators, device safety, radiation safety, medication safety, and aseptic safety.

To receive the certificate for completing this module it is required to pass the 20 question- Exam with 75% of correct answers. You have to be registered to take the exam!

After successful completion of the module, the learner is expected to be able to:

Topic Knowledge Skills Competence
Treatment safetyDemonstrates knowledge of principles of quality
assurance systems and software safety related to
breast cancer treatment.
Identify errors and incidents to be registered
and reported in a quality assurance system.
Reflect of the importance of reporting and learning from errors and incidents and how
the information can be used to prevent future incidents.

Quality indicators
Demonstrates knowledge and critical reflections on quality indicators as a part of auditing and quality assurance processes.Monitor quality indicators which deviates from minimum standard of care in the breast cancer treatment pathway.
Evaluate quality indicators in breast cancer treatment
compare quality indicators in European countries.
Apply quality indicators related to breast cancer treatment and care in quality assurance and audit. 
Participate in quality development processes and audit.
Device safeDemonstrates knowledge of various devices used in different stages in breast cancer care and therapies.
Demonstrates knowledge of risks and safety aspects related to various devices.
Demonstrates knowledge of quality controls of various devices.
Identify devices used in breast cancer care and therapies and analyze the role of health care professional in ensuring device safety.
Argument the importance of device safety and identify potential risks related to various devices.
Argument the need for quality controls.
Work in a way that ensures device safety and reduces risks related to them.
Explain the importance of quality assurance tests.
Take responsibility for equipment safety.
Radiation safetyDemonstrates  knowledge of radiation safety, protection, policies and procedures in radiotherapy.
Demonstrates knowledge of radiotherapy risks, errors and incidents.
Analyze radiation safety, protection, policies and procedures in radiotherapy.
Analyze radiotherapy risks, errors and incidents and how they can be prevented.
Work in a way that ensures patient and staff safety.
Act in a way that minimizes risks and prevents errors and incidents.
Act in an abnormal incident if one occurs.
Medication safetyDemonstrates knowledge of different drug classes in breast cancer treatment and toxic effects 
of medicines used.
Demonstrates knowledge of handling, disposal and
storage of cytotoxic drugs.
Demonstrates knowledge of drug interactions,
including alternative medicine.
Demonstrate knowledge of medication use process
Demonstrates advanced knowledge of side effects
of common medications used and their management.
Analyze potential medication risks, errors and
incidents related to medication safety and how
they can prevented.
Discuss  the pharmacology of commonly used chemotherapy.
Discuss  the medication safety aspects at home
(after chemotherapy).
Recognize the predictors involved in medication
Explain the importance of medication history to the patient.
Act in a way that minimizes risks and prevents errors and incidents.
Aseptic safetyDemonstrates knowledge of standard precautions
of aseptic safety in breast cancer care.
Demonstrates knowledge of aseptic technique and
aseptic behaviour.
Demonstrates knowledge of specific aseptic features
associated with breast cancer diagnostics
and treatments.
Identify and report risks and errors concerning
aseptic safety. 
Compare aseptic safety and infection control
in different phases in breast cancer treatment
Analyse risks associated with breast cancer
diagnostics and treatment.
Apply standard precaution of aseptic safety in breast cancer care.
Develop individual responsibility for aseptic safety.
Able to evaluate aseptic practices associated with breast cancer diagnostics and treatments.