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In this topic the learner is introduced to frameworks and guidelines for interprofessional collaboration. Generalised and specialized competences and dialogue in interprofessional cooperation are also discussed. The learning material contains active videos, mandatory reading and test your knowledge activity with drag&drop questions.

Learning outcome: To demonstrate advanced knowledge on frameworks for interprofessional collaboration.

Learning material and test your knowledge

These videos are interactive, and contains both questions for testing your knowledge and tasks for reflections which you are expected to complete. For subtitles, press CC -> English.

This 6:41 min long video introduces you to the need for interprofessional care and collaboration.

PDF: Background motivation and international guidelines to pdf

This 6:56 min long video tells about core competences in interprofessional collaboration.

PDF: Frameworks- and core competences to pdf

This 9:08 min long video covers how the core competences and our focus on professional identity, differences and trust can affect our ability to become more competent team members.

PDF: General- and specialized competences dialogue in collaboration to pdf

What did you learn? Test how well you learnt the topic of Framework for interprofessional collaboration with the test below.

Mandatory reading

The exam also includes questions from this materials. Please read the articles and other written material. It takes about 4-5 hours for you to read through the material.

  1. World Health Organization. Framework for action on interprofessional education and collaborative practice. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2010.
  2. Interprofessional Education Collaborative. Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice. Washington, D.C: Interprofessional Education Collaborative; 2016.
  3. Nortvedt L, Norenberg DL, Hagstrøm N, Taasen I. Enabling collaboration and building trust among health science students attending an interprofessional educational project. Cogent Medicine. 2019;6(1):1669401.

Try to answer these questions while reading: 

  • Explain what is meant by “Collaborative practice”.
  • Explain what is meant by “Interprofessional education”, and the learning outcomes that ensures a collaborative practice-ready workforce.
  • Explain the four core competencies of interprofessional collaborative practice.
  • What can, according to Nordtvedt et.al., help students in gaining trust in the competence of their own and other professions?