In this topic the learner is introduced to principles of breast cancer systemic anticancer therapies (SACT) and preparation and safe handling and administration of SACT as well as anatomical and physiological principles for administration and side effects of SACT.
Learning outcomes: Demonstrate critical understanding of principles of breast cancer systemic anticancer therapies (SACT) (targeted therapy, hormonal therapy, radiotherapy). Preparation and safe handling and administration of SACT as well as anatomical and physiological principles for administration and side-effects of SACT.
Learning material and test your knowledge: Biological and endocrine therapies and nurse`s role in educating patients
This 20:14 min video is an introduction to biological therapies used to treat breast cancer.
You can watch presentation, please use full screen mode or you can download it. If the speed of the presentation is too fast, just press the stop/pause to read through the text. Press the play to continue the presentation. You can also adjust the speed of presentation yourself via the three-points label (right corner of presentation) just click “playback speed” and choose the appropriate speed.
This 21:10 min video introduces the learner to hormone therapy used to treat breast cancer.
You can watch presentation, please use full screen mode or you can download it. If the speed of the presentation is too fast, just press the stop/pause to read through the text. Press the play to continue the presentation. You can also adjust the speed of presentation yourself via the three-points label (right corner of presentation) just click “playback speed” and choose the appropriate speed.
What did you learn? Test how well you learnt the topic of biological and endocrine therapies with the test below.
Click on the following link to access the prezi presentation: Nurses’ role in educating patients on endocrine therapy and biological therapy.

What did you learn? Test how well you learnt the topic of nurse`s role in educating patients with the test below.
Learning task
Read the article “Nursing Perspectives on Fulvestrant for the Treatment of Postmenopausal Women With Metastatic Breast Cancer” by G.Litsas and write a summary. You don`t need to return the summary to the platform.
Learning material: Chemotherapy
This 23.13 min. video you will find an overview of chemotherapy in breast cancer treatment.
Learning material: Drug interactions
This 58.18 min. video you will find a presentation on drug interactions in breast cancer treatment. During the video, you will be presented with different patient cases that you can solve.
Use the link below to download the presentation in PDF: